*BAZZINA.CZ* is gaming server and board based on Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
Now we are running 5 gaming servers with different mods (modifications of basic Enemy Territory).
The first one is:
*BAZZINA.CZ*etnam Xpsave ip: mod
ETNAM - USA vs. Vietnamese, when there are totaly new weapons (M-16, AK-47, new kinds of mines..and much more), new skills (parachute, hits by gun-stock and more) and effort of the authors of the mod to make the game more "realistic".
The second server:
*BAZZINA.CZ*n!tmod Xpsave ip: mod
N!tmod - is trying to add more realistic things to game as well (new weapons, new skills and options..) but it stays in the period of WWII with standard teams Allies vs. Axis.
The Third one:
*BAZZINA.CZ*NQ Xpsave ip: mod
No Quarter is trying to add more realistic things to game as well as n!tmod (new weapons, new skills and options..) and it also stays in the period of WWII with standard teams Allies vs. Axis.
These servers have a lot of "czech gag´s" narrated by us and our friends
(Dan-st, Bluto, Winnie) originated from
Tactical Force server or gag´s from czech movies and we have some music also.
We have another 2 servers, they are without Punkbuster anticheat program and they have default (english) chatvoice:
*BAZZINA.CZ*BLIGHT Xpsave ip: mod
ET Blight - is adding with new weapons and features also 2 new classes - "The Scientist" and "SuperSoldier", teams are standard - Axis and Allies.
And for now last but "nostalgic" server:
*BAZZINA.CZ*NQ GoldenAge ip: is older version of No Quarter, from golden peroid of ET and TF clan, when we were used to play every evening in great nubmers and also in famous battles with lot of fun.
No Quarter version 1.2.5
We hope that you will like *BAZZINA.CZ* servers and this board or have a fun with us who speaks english on TeamSpeak3.
If you have some questions or suggestions feel free to ask us.Contact: by mail:
bazzinacz@gmail.com, here on board or on
IP Adresa: default (leave it blank)*BAZZINA.CZ* TEAM:
ANDREW(CZ) alias OHTMM.Bambus